I’m Sorry, I Forgot Myself……

What do we mean by “I forgot myself”. The chances are we are apologizing for some behaviour we don’t feel good about. Perhaps we said or did something that our conscience is telling us was wrong or perhaps we didn’t do something we promised we would do. We are not behaving in accordance with our highest ideals.

So why “I forgot myself”? Because it’s true. Our mind was probably elsewhere, being angry, being worried, being frightened, being so engrossed in what we were thinking about that we quite literally forgot ourselves.

What is the antidote to forgetting yourself? It’s obvious, “remember yourself”! Has anyone heard of that? It’s not an expression that is so well known. In the work of G. Gurdjieff and P. Ouspensky it is mentioned quite a lot. They call it “self-remembering”. When we remember ourselves those conscience pricking incidents tend not to happen.

How do you remember yourself? There is a video below of Roy Whitten, a founder of More To Life explaining it and offering some practice. Roy calls self-remembering, split attention but they are very similar. Roy and his colleague Brad Brown wrote a course called The Power of Self Esteem.

It’s a course I call “A Course for a Happier Life ~ The Power of Self Esteem” and I run this course in London and Surrey throughout the year. If you would like to know when and where please ask via our Contact Page.

An now over to Roy